Greg's Fu yong hai
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Fu yong hai is generally misspelt in pseudo-English as foo young hai, though it seems that in the USA the term “Egg foo young” is better known. In my Malaysian-oriented experience it's an omelette made with crab meat, though there appear to be many variants. The first one on this page is based on a recipe in “Makanan lazim Malaysia”, which I bought in Kuala Lumpur decades ago.

We made it on 18 September 2012. It didn't taste bad, but there wasn't much evidence of the crab meat. It would probably taste almost as good without the crab meat.

On 28 May 2019 I made it again, long enough after the previous time that I had completely forgotten about it. I used a different recipe but ultimately came to the same conclusions.


quantity       ingredient       step
10 g       dried mushrooms       1
170 g       can crab meat       2
15 ml       cooking sherry       2
5 g       garlic       3
5 g       cornflour       4
20 ml       water       4
320 g       eggs       5
      salt       5
100 ml       chicken broth       6
50 g       peas       6
20 ml       soya sauce       6
5 g       sugar       6
      sesame oil       6

I've put a weight of eggs here because we tend to make this kind of dish out of bantam eggs, which vary a lot in weight. 320 g is roughly the weight of 4 normal hen eggs.


  1. Soak the mushrooms in hot water for about 20 minutes.

  2. Mix the crabmeat and sherry and let stand a little.

  3. Chop the mushrooms into strips, crush the garlic.

  4. Mix the cornflour and water.

  5. Beat the eggs with the salt, then add the crabmeat mixture. Fry on both sides until cooked and carefully transfer to serving plates.

  6. Fry the garlic in a little oil, then add the mushrooms for a few seconds. Add the broth, peas, soya sauce and sugar, then add the cornflour mixture and thicken. Add sesame oil and pour over the eggs.

Original recipe

This recipe shows at least that improbable proportions and inaccurate equivalents aren't the exclusive province of English language recipes. It calls for 4 eggs and 6 tablespoons of oil, which would translate to somewhere between 90 and 120 ml. That's for normal frying, not for deep frying. The 315 g (11 oz, not 10) of crab meat are also far too much.


quantity       ingredient       step
10 oz (315 g)       daging ketam (dimasak dan dikikisi)
1 camt.       wain      
4 biji       telur      
1 camt.       garam      
sedikit       Ve-tsin atau Aji-no-moto      
6 CamB.       minyak      

Bahan Sos

quantity       ingredient       step
2 CamB.       kacang pis
2       cendawan kering (direndam dan dihiris)      
1 camt.       gula      
1 camt.       kicap      
½ cawan       rebusan sup      
1 camt.       tepung jagung      
1 CamB.       air      


  1. Campur daging ketam dengan wain. Masukkan bancuhan telur dan campur rata-rata.

  2. Pijarkan 5 CamB. minyak dan tuangkan bancuhan ketam. Ratakan bancuhan menjadi telurdadar bulat.

  3. Balikkan untuk menggoreng sebelahnya. Keluarkan dengan berhati-hati ke atas pinggan hidangan.

  4. Pijarkan baki minyak dan tumis cendawan yang telah dihiris selama beberapa saat. Masukkan rebusan sup, gula dan kicap. Biarkan mendidih perlahan-lahan di atas api yang kecil.

  5. Pekatkan sos dengan bancuhan tepung jagung dan kacau masuk kacang pis.

  6. Tuangkan bancuhan kuah panas itu ke atas telurdadar daging ketam dan hidang dengan segera.

Other recipes

While searching the web, came up with this recipe, which is similar, but includes prawns, spring onions, and tomato sauce and vinegar. It's a little difficult to translate Indonesian, and Google translate wasn't able to help with some of the words.

May 2019

I made this dish again on 28 May 2019, long enough later that I had forgotten the previous occurrence. This time I took one from the volume I of Pei Mei's Chinese Cookbook that I bought in Mountain View on 13 September 1987. It, too, panders to US measures with C. (I assume cups). And the other quantities were correspondingly vague. What we ended up with was:

quantity       ingredient       step
280 g (4)       eggs       1
50 g       fresh mushrooms       1
170 g       canned crab meat       1
50 g       cooked ham       1
50 g       spring onions       1
20 ml       water       1
0.4 g       stock powder       1
4 g       salt       1
20 ml       soya sauce       1

Preparation was simple—too simple: I forgot to cook the ingredients first. Just whipped up the eggs and added the other ingredients. Cooked considerably more than a French omelette, until the surface was mid-brown. This time there was no sauce. Again it tasted acceptable but boring.

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