Greg's Indian fish stew
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This is an adaptation of the recipe on page 42 of “150 curries” by Mridula Baljekar, which we first made on 8 November 2015. It shows promise, but the proportions are all wrong. This is my best guess for next time.


quantity       ingredient       step
80 g       onion       1
1       red capsicum       1
10 g       garlic       1
2       Teja patta (Indian bay leaves)       1
2 g       whole cummin seeds       2
      oil for fying       2
15 g       cumminseed       3
15 g       coriander       3
?       fennel seed (experimental)       3
8 g       salt       3
350 g       potatoes       4
400 g       tin tomatoes       4
300 ml       water       4
1       fish stock cube for 500 ml       4
330 g       fish filet       5


  1. Chop, crush or purée the onion and garlic. Chop capsicum. Reserve.
  2. Fry the cumminseed in the oil for about 30 seconds. The original recipes suggests that they should splutter, but I haven't experienced that. Then add the onion, garlic, capsicum and teja patta. Fry until glassy (the original recipe wants them brown).
  3. Meanwhile, grind the spices. Add to the mixture and fry until warm.
  4. Cut the potatoes into cubes 1.5 to 2 cm on a side. The original recipe wants them to be 2.5 cm, which seems far too big for me. When the spice mixture is ready, add potato, tomato, water and fish cube. Mix well and cook for 15 minutes.
  5. Cut the fish into cubes about 2 to 2.5 cm on a side. Add to the mixture and cook for another 5 minutes.
  6. Serve with chapatis.

The first time I made this recipe, it tasted very insipid. I've increased the quantities of spices, which I had already doubled, by a further factor of 3. Hopefully that will improve things.

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