Written from memory in 2019. The dates aren't approximate: they're guesswork.
Down to the station early this morning to pick up Dad, who had come down on the overnight
train from Kota Bharu. He wasn't in
the best of shape: he had forgotten his thyroid pills, and was a little dopy as a result.
First order of the day: find a shaver for him. Down
to Sim Lim Square just as they
were opening, and got a real bargain (good luck first customer of the day). Then, of
course: find a place to have
some Penang laksa, not the most
common thing in Singapore. Asked the taxi driver, stressing Penang laksa, and he
took us to Katong, where they served
us... Singapore Laksa. Not
surprising, I suppose, but still a bit disappointing.
Then back. Dad had lost his shaver. Back to Sim Lim Square, where the shopkeeper was more
disappointed than we—possibly because of the bad omen. Sold him another one for even $1
cheaper, saying, possibly correctly, that that was his purchase price.
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