Greg's diary
April 1961
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This page was entered from memory in May 2024, over 60 years after the event. Clearly my memory has faded. It doesn't seem appropriate to format this as a diary entry, but I need a date to satisfy the diary format.

Saturday, 8 April 1961 Port Dickson
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We spent the weekend in a chalet in Port Dickson, along with friends of my parents, Bob and Melinda Callow. Bob Callow was an architect, but I have very little recollection of either of them at the time, though my sister and I visited them later, after they had returned to England and moved to a house near Corfe.

What I do recall: I was in form 2 of the St. John's Institution in Kuala Lumpur, and I was not doing well. My parents had decided to send me to boarding school in the United Kingdom, and the best advice the could find was somewhat archaic in Whitaker's Almanac. At the time the Callows were in somewhat more advanced stage of making the same decision for their twin sons Paul and Nigel: they were to start at King's College, Taunton in September. I forget the details, if my parents ever told me of them, but I ended up there too a year later. So it seems that the Callows had a significant influence on my future.

Another random snippet: I discovered that the toilet resonated to low G (sounding F) on my B♭ clarinet. Why was I playing it in the toilet? I have long forgotten.

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