Yvonne's photos: Saturday, 1 April 2023
Samba's bits
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Previous (31 Mar 2023): Yvonne longes Samba. Samba and Dana lying down. Next (3 Apr 2023): Pam plays with Dana and Samba. Around cone circle. Samantha in garden. Yvonne rides Samba.

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Image title: bit 1          Dimensions:          3517 x 3469, 1006 kB
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All images taken on Saturday, 1 April 2023, thumbnails          All images taken on Saturday, 1 April 2023, small
Complete exposure details

Image title: bit 2
Complete exposure details
Dimensions: 529 x 511, 85 kB
Dimensions of original: 3824 x 3694, 1028 kB
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Show for Saturday, 1 April 2023:
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Image title: bit 3
Complete exposure details
Dimensions: 482 x 559, 90 kB
Dimensions of original: 2984 x 3463, 954 kB
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Show for Saturday, 1 April 2023:
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Image title: bit 4
Complete exposure details
Dimensions: 383 x 705, 84 kB
Dimensions of original: 1813 x 3338, 499 kB
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Show for Saturday, 1 April 2023:
thumbnails    small images
Previous (31 Mar 2023): Yvonne longes Samba. Samba and Dana lying down. Next (3 Apr 2023): Pam plays with Dana and Samba. Around cone circle. Samantha in garden. Yvonne rides Samba.

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