Yvonne's photos: Saturday, 10 September 2022
Finished painting
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Previous (9 Sep 2022): WIP painting Mother and Daughter (Samba and Valeta) Next (11 Sep 2022): pad

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Image title: painting 1          Dimensions:          4290 x 3451, 2405 kB
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All images taken on Saturday, 10 September 2022, thumbnails          All images taken on Saturday, 10 September 2022, small
Complete exposure details

Image title: painting 2          Dimensions:          4518 x 3552, 2279 kB
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All images taken on Saturday, 10 September 2022, thumbnails          All images taken on Saturday, 10 September 2022, small
Complete exposure details

Image title: painting 3          Dimensions:          4497 x 3596, 2417 kB
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All images taken on Saturday, 10 September 2022, thumbnails          All images taken on Saturday, 10 September 2022, small
Complete exposure details

Image title: painting 4          Dimensions:          4065 x 3278, 2159 kB
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All images taken on Saturday, 10 September 2022, thumbnails          All images taken on Saturday, 10 September 2022, small
Complete exposure details

Previous (9 Sep 2022): WIP painting Mother and Daughter (Samba and Valeta) Next (11 Sep 2022): pad

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