About Me

About Yana Lehey Well, I've told you about my friends, so I suppose it's only fair that I tell you about myself too. Well, strap yourselves in 'cos it's a long story considering I'm only seventeen. ^_^

I was born on the 31st of May 1985, in Frankfurt, Germany. When I popped out of my Mama, my appearance prompted my dad to say: "Oh my god, I can't deny this is my kid, she looks too much like me," while mum was busy oohing and ahing over my long-fingered hands and punk-style hair. That was after I had been stuck onto a respirator to ease the deep purple colour of my face.

Years pass, apparently I'm a really good baby. By the age of five, I already speak three languages: English, German and French. Mum taught me French and German, Dad taught me English. To this day, I only speak English to dad, 'cos speaking any other language to him would seem extremely weird. Some things never change.

I'm introduced to the pressures of Primary School at the age of six - I'm the youngest student in the whole school! I'm also an excellent target for bullies. I graduate to High School at the end of Year 4. New people, new teachers, some with weird and wonderful names. Big deal.

Middle of Year 6. We're moving to Australia! Some people at school say, "Good riddance," others say, "take me with you, dammit," others say "Write to me, here's my address." Before actually going, I am taken on a tour around Europe. Yep, nice continent.

Hours and hours of flight, stopover in Jakarta, Indonesia. Destination: Melbourne, Victoria. Finally, we arrive. Wow, Autralia is great! People are friendly, weather is nice, and I've got heaps of relatives here. After a stay with the rest of the family, we drive the hundreds of kilometres to Adelaide, South Australia, and start lookin' for future homes while seeking shelter in various bed and breakfast places.

We find a house, and move in as quick as we can. We have already bought a few horses (gee, I wonder how that happened). Aah, isn't it great to have a real home again. However, we have been conned in the sale of our house in Germany, so we have to start pretty much from scratch.

I join a Taekwondo class. I've gotta get rid of the slight weakness complex caused by my years of being bullied. Hey, Taekwondo's fun! I get to yell and scream and kick and I'm hooked. Seems the people in Australia are shorter, suddenly I seem to be even taller in comparison. Heck, I'm a Year 7 and taller than some grown men! I graduate to High School again! Talk about deja vu!

I do something stupid: I have my hair cut short! Jeez, I look like a boy. Must be pretty convincing, because some idiot girl yells, "I want you baby, I want you bad!" Or maybe she's just a lesbian. Either way, I just get on with Year 9. I grow my hair back and an extension for our house is built. I slowly develop an obsession with Japanese anime, which turns into an obsession for everything Japanese! That's probably part of the reason why we become the host family for a Japanese Exchange student, Misako Isono. I'm in Year 10 now. How time flies! Misako leaves, and I am forced to build a homepage.

Year 11 has begun, but I find myself among the Year 12's waaay too often. One thing's for sure: They do not appreciate my presence. I'm stuck on the blower to various universities, and also into the Nimbus for driving lessons in the paddock.

My sixtheenth birthday comes to pass, and I get my learner's permit. Before the weekend is over, I've already got a hundred kilometres under my belt, driven in my old/new Nimbus with its over 300 000 km milage.

I graduate from High School and get my P plates. Now I can drive on my own. I also have my hair cut short again, and this time I don't look like a boy. Yay! I start working in two collaborations for writing novels, one of them with my best friend Zoe, and one with a guy I ran into on IRC. I also start three courses: one intensive course in Japanese with Adelaide University, and two on VSG, the Virtual School for the Gifted. VSG still continues, but I have easily passed the Japanese exam. Yay me! I start planning to travel this year.

Travel plans flop, and I get myself a job. Pruning vines in the stormy rain and sleet, yeah baby!

So, that's the story shugah, a story which is still being written.

My Stats

So, you wanna know more? Well, here's my colllection of useless statistics. Enjoy!

Astrological Sign: Gemini
Date of Birth: 31 May 1985
Favourite Colour: I like 'em all, and it constantly varies, but at the moment I like blue and purple.
Favourite Gemstones: Amber, sapphire, emerald snd garnet
Favourite Food(s): Curry, Steamboat, anything Italian
Least Favourite Food: Kidney, Liver, Oysters
Favourite Subject: Design, English
Least Favourite Subject: Uh... I've gotta think about that one.
Favourite Pasttimes: Reading, drawing, swimming, Taekwondo, debating about ridiculous matters.
Favourite Animal: cats, definitely.
Favourite TV shows: Just about any Japanese anime, but I'm also partial to the X-men and such. Xena's good too, and so's Charmed.
What I hate: Being watched or disturbed while I'm drawing something I'm having trouble with, sprained ankles, and the occasional invasion of people who just cannot stand up for themselves and look to me to do that job for them. Whinging dogs can be a real nuisance too.
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 68 kg. It's muscle, not fat. ^_-
The meaning of the name Yana: Basically, Yana ist the female version of the well-known name John and means "Favoured by God". Personally, that's not the kind of name meaning I want. I don't know what kind of name meaning I want, but I don't want God in it, since I'm a bit of a sceptical, cynical person who doesn't think much of blind faith. No offense to all you faithful ones out there, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with blind faith, but it's just not my thing.