Greg's fried prawns and squid
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This is a variant on a recipe I found in Passmore and Reid's “The Complete Chinese Cookbook”. I last cooked it on 3 October 2021.


Serves about 4.

quantity       ingredient       step
either 8 g       dried oyster mushrooms       1
or 40 g       fresh or tinned oyster mushrooms       1
200 g       peeled prawns, preferably raw       2
20 ml       rice wine       2
200 g       squid tubes       3
180 g       egg noodles (dry), or       4
400 g       egg noodles (cooked)       4
50 g       carrot, pok choy or snow peas       5
20 g       celery       5
35 g       water chestnuts       5
25 g       bamboo shoots       5
30 g       spring onions       6
10 g       garlic       7
5 g       ginger       7
      frying oil       8
100 ml       chicken stock       11
8 g       cornflour       11
30 ml       light soya sauce       11
5 ml       sesame oil       11
      chopped coriander leaf       12


  1. If the oyster mushrooms are dried, soak them in hot water for 20 minutes. Chop into small pieces.

  2. Marinate the prawns in rice wine.

  3. Cut the squid tubes into pieces about 2 cm square.

  4. If dry, cook the noodles, drain and rinse. Fry in little oil and place into the serving dish.

  5. Cut the firm vegetables into slices or julienne strips.

  6. Cut the spring onions into rings.

  7. Finely chop ginger and garlic.

  8. Fry the spring onions until warm. Add successively the garlic and ginger, then the vegetables and mushrooms and fry for about 2 minutes. Spread over the noodles in the serving dish.

  9. If raw, fry the prawns over medium heat until cooked. Spread over the noodles in the serving dish.
  10. Heat the frying pan very hot (“boost” on an induction cooker) and cook the squid until dry.
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    Spread over the noodles in the serving dish.

  11. Add the remaining rice wine to the chicken stock to make up the total volume. Bring to the boil in the pan. Spread over the noodles in the serving dish.

  12. Heat serving dish in a microwave oven until the contents are hot. Serve.


The quantities in this recipe are, for the most part, very flexible. The only thing that surprised me was how many noodles it uses; the quantity I give above really looks about right, though between 2012 (first time) and 2016 our hunger seems to have diminished, and I now think that the recipe is enough for four by itself.

The original marinates the prawns in ginger wine and wants sugar and pepper in the sauce, neither of which seem right to me. I've also added bamboo shoots and more of the other vegetables.

On 7 November 2020 I modified this recipe to use a microwave oven and only one pan, instead of the two or three that I had previously used.

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