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Greg's brewing log: Brew 16, Weißbier

Date started:      9 December 2003
Volume:            27 litres

Initial density:   1052
  update 12 Dec:   1055? (temperature not measured, may have been significantly higher
  	                  than 20°)
Brix:              13.6 (top), 13.8 (bottom)
Wort pH:           4.8


2.7 kg  Coopers Pale malt extract
2.05 kg Wheat malt
100 g   Dried malt extract (starter)
37 g    Hallertauer Hersbruck pellets, 4% alpha acid
        Wyeast 3068 yeast from starter (2nd level)
Infuse wheat malt at 66° for 60 minutes, sparge. The resultant 11.5 litres of wort wer, 10% Brix = 1.15 kg maltose. Expected 1.5. Add another 665 g barley malt extract, total 2.705 kg (originally planned 2 kg). This was in fact too much (should have been 450 g).

Boil with extract and hops for 60 minutes.

In parallel, re-infuse the original wheat grain at 70°, dropping to 66°. The resultant wort was 10% Brix, about 4 litres.

Strain into wort and boil briefly.

Cool to 38°, dilute with water to 27°. Pitch.

Actual OG was 1052. Calculated OG was 1056, suggesting an extraction rate of 63% for the wheat malt.

Working on the basis of the refractive index, however, the calculations were spot on (77% extraction).

Fermentation progress:
9.XII   pm      27°     barely perceptible
10.XII  am      22°     1.26 Hz
        pm	23°	1.73 Hz	  (ambient temperature 16°)
11.XII  am      20°     0.10 Hz	  (ambient temperature 16°)
        pm	20°	0.065 Hz  (ambient temperature 19.5°)
12.XII  am      20°     0.028 Hz  (ambient temperature 19.5°)
			racked.  SG 1009, 7.0% Brix, pH 3.6
			distinctly sourer taste that brew 14.

17.XII	midday		Bottled with 300 g (12 g/l) sucrose.
			Density  1013 after priming, 
			8.0% Brix after priming = 6.8 % Brix before priming, 
			pH 3.6

Bottling statistics:
        Bottles         size    total
	48		.5l	24.0 l
	 1		.375l   0.375
        Total           	24.375 l

Obvious mistakes

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