From Wed May 6 15:16:54 2020 Date: Tue, 5 May 2020 22:16:26 -0700 From: eBay Where are the instructions and the fittings for the batteries and the solar panel? So far I have: - No instructions beyond wiring diagram for batteries and panel. - No way of fixing the batteries in the box that I presume is intended for them. - No screws to close the battery box. - No indication of where to put the solar controller. - No way to mount the solar panel. - No cables to join the components. - A bracket that I can't identify. I thought it was for the solar panel, but it doesn't match. I have been able to work around most of these problems, but it's really not clear how you expect the panel to be mounted. Is some item missing? I have everything shown on your eBay page, but that doesn't even show the mounted solar panel.