
This page is mainly for my personal use.


Explaining BSD FreeBSD handbook
FreeBSD docco: articles FreeBSD docco: books
How to get the best results from FreeBSD questions Daemon news
Debug tutorial handout (PDF) Debug tutorial slides (PDF)

Other software documentation

RCS home page
C reference manual Mutt manual
HTML5 tutorial HTML5 reference
WWW stuff Selfhtml: HTML and PHP docco
PHP manual PHP tutorial
PHP function reference Apache documentation
WWW markup guide WWW markup guide: style
WWW CSS docco WWW CSS tables

Other stuff

How to make web pages out of photos Unicode introduction
The New Hacker's Dictionary, table of contents The New Hacker's Dictionary, home page
The Linux Documentation Project UNIX Text Processing
Discussion of Linux I/O scheduler Why backslashes are not slashes
UNIX history Linux Journal: I/O scheduler
Dictionary of storage networking terminology


Dies Irę: Text and translation International song web site
The Session: Irish and other songs Languages

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